
The NAV Issuance Module is a module that enables issuance and redemption with any valid ERC20 token or ETH if allowed by the manager. Sender receives a proportional amount of SetTokens on issuance or ERC20 token on redemption based on the calculated net asset value using oracle prices. Manager is able to enforce a premium / discount on issuance / redemption to avoid arbitrage and front running when relying on oracle prices. Managers can charge a fee (denominated in reserve asset).

Select Methods


issue(ISetToken _setToken, address _reserveAsset, uint256 _reserveAssetQuantity, uint256 _minSetTokenReceiveQuantity, address _to)

Deposits the allowed reserve asset into the SetToken and mints the appropriate % of Net Asset Value of the SetToken to the specified _to address.


issue(ISetToken _setToken, uint256 _minSetTokenReceiveQuantity, address _to)

Wraps ETH and deposits WETH if allowed into the SetToken and mints the appropriate % of Net Asset Value of the SetToken to the specified _to address.


redeem(ISetToken _setToken, address _reserveAsset, uint256 _setTokenQuantity, uint256 _minReserveReceiveQuantity, address _to)

Redeems a SetToken into a valid reserve asset representing the appropriate % of Net Asset Value of the SetToken to the specified _to address. Only valid if there are available reserve units on the SetToken.


redeemIntoEther(ISetToken _setToken, uint256 _setTokenQuantity, uint256 _minReserveReceiveQuantity, address _to)

Redeems a SetToken into Ether (if WETH is valid) representing the appropriate % of Net Asset Value of the SetToken to the specified _to address. Only valid if there are available WETH units on the SetToken.


function initialize(ISetToken _setToken, NAVIssuanceSettings _navIssuanceSettings)

Manager only. Initializes this module to the SetToken with hooks, allowed reserve assets, fees and issuance premium. Only callable by the SetToken's manager. Hook addresses are optional. Address(0) means that no hook will be called.

The NAVIssuanceSettings struct is constructed as follows:

struct NAVIssuanceSettings {
    INAVIssuanceHook managerIssuanceHook;          // Issuance hook configurations
    INAVIssuanceHook managerRedemptionHook;        // Redemption hook configurations
    address[] reserveAssets;                       // Allowed reserve assets - Must have a price enabled with the price oracle
    address feeRecipient;                          // Manager fee recipient
    uint256[2] managerFees;                        // Manager fees. 0 index is issue and 1 index is redeem fee (0.01% = 1e14, 1% = 1e16)
    uint256 maxManagerFee;                         // Maximum fee manager is allowed to set for issue and redeem
    uint256 premiumPercentage;                     // Premium percentage (0.01% = 1e14, 1% = 1e16). This premium is a buffer around oracle
                                                   // prices paid by user to the SetToken, which prevents arbitrage and oracle front running
    uint256 maxPremiumPercentage;                  // Maximum premium percentage manager is allowed to set (configured by manager)
    uint256 minSetTokenSupply;                     // Minimum SetToken supply required for issuance and redemption 
                                                   // to prevent dramatic inflationary changes to the SetToken's position multiplier


function addReserveAsset(ISetToken _setToken, address _reserveAsset)

Manager only. Add an allowed reserve asset


function removeReserveAsset(ISetToken _setToken, address _reserveAsset)

Manager only. Add an allowed reserve asset


function editPremium(ISetToken _setToken, uint256 _premiumPercentage)

Manager only. Edit the premium percentage. Learn more about what the premium percentage is here.


function editManagerFee(ISetToken _setToken, uint256 _managerFeePercentage, uint256 _managerFeeIndex)

Manager only. Edit manager fee


function editFeeRecipient(ISetToken _setToken, address _managerFeeRecipient)

Manager only. Edit fee recipient

Select View Methods


function getReserveAssets(ISetToken _setToken) external view returns (address[] memory)

Returns reserve assets for a given SetToken.


function getExpectedSetTokenIssueQuantity(ISetToken _setToken, address _reserveAsset, uint256 _reserveAssetQuantity) external view returns (uint256)

Get the expected SetTokens minted to recipient on issuance


function getExpectedReserveRedeemQuantity(ISetToken _setToken, address _reserveAsset, uint256 _setTokenQuantity) external view returns (uint256)

Get the expected reserve asset to be redeemed

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