In order to deposit or withdraw your components on Yearn, you will need to call the wrap (wrapWithEther) or unwrap (unwrapWithEther) functions on the WrapModule.
Select examples:
This is an example of what to pass into the wrap function for WBTC to yvWBTC.
/** * MANAGER-ONLY: Instructs the SetToken to wrap an underlying asset into a wrappedToken via a specified adapter. * * @param _setToken Instance of the SetToken * @param _underlyingToken Address of the component to be wrapped * @param _wrappedToken Address of the desired wrapped token * @param _underlyingUnits Quantity of underlying units in Position units * @param _integrationName Name of wrap module integration (mapping on integration registry) */functionwrap( 0xYourSetTokenAddress, 0x2260fac5e5542a773aa44fbcfedf7c193bc2c599, 0xA696a63cc78DfFa1a63E9E50587C197387FF6C7E, 3000, YearnWrapAdapter)